Publications so far
R. Machulka, J. Perina Jr., O. Haderka, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Coherence waves in evolving intense twin beams
B. Giacomelli, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Implementation of Popper’s thought experiment with pseudo-thermal light
S. Olivares, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
On the role of the local oscillator intensity in optical homodyne-like tomography
G. Chesi, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Exploiting Silicon photomultipliers for measuring non classical optical states
In press
G. Chesi, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Effects of non-ideal features of Silicon photomultiplier on the measurements of quantum correlations
To appear in Int. J. Quantum Inform.
G. Chesi, L. Malinverno, A. Allevi, R. Santoro, M. Caccia, and M. Bondani
Measuring nonclassicality of mesoscopic twin-beam states with Silicon photomultipliers
Proceedings 12, 48 (2019)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Preserving nonclassicality in noisy communication channels
Proceedings 12, 3 (2019)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Preserving nonclassical correlations in strongly unbalanced conditions (Editors’ Pick)
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 3275-3281 (2019)
S. Olivares, A. Allevi, G. Caiazzo, M. G. A. Paris, and M. Bondani
Quantum tomography of light states by photon-number-resolving detectors
New J. Phys. 21, 103045 (2019)
G. Chesi, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Autocorrelation functions: a useful tool for both state and detector characterisation
Quantum Meas. Quantum Metrol. 6, 1-6 (2019)
G. Chesi, L. Malinverno, A. Allevi, R. Santoro, M. Caccia, A. Martemiyanov, and M. Bondani
Optimizing Silicon photomultipliers for Quantum Optics
Sci. Rep. 9, 7433 (2019)
G. Chesi, M. M. Wauters, N. Fasola, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Second Harmonic Revisited: An Analytic Quantum Approach
Appl. Sci. 9, 1690 (2019)
G. Chesi, L. Malinverno, A. Allevi, R. Santoro, M. Caccia, and M. Bondani
Measuring nonclassicality with Silicon photomultipliers
Opt. Lett. 44, 1371-1374 (2019)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Can nonclassical correlations survive in the presence of asymmetric lossy channels?
Eur. Phys. J. D 72, 178 (2018)
A. Allevi, M. Bina, S. Olivares, and M. Bondani
Hybrid Homodyne-like Detection Scheme with Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS), 2874-2878 (2017)
M. Bondani, A. Bassi, A. Tucci Bronzuoli, G. Caiazzo, R. Carlucci, and S. Pengue
Measurement of ferrofluid dynamics in undergraduate physics laboratory
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS), 1410-1413 (2017)
A. Allevi, M. Bina, S. Olivares, and M. Bondani
Homodyne-like detection scheme based on photon-number-resolving detectors
Int. J. Quantum Inf. 15, 1740016 (2017)
A. Allevi, G. Chesi, and M. Bondani
Generation of quasi-single-mode twin-beam states in the high-intensity domain
Int. J. Quantum Inf. 15, 1740021 (2017)
A. Allevi, S. Cassina, and M. Bondani
Super-thermal light for imaging applications
Quantum Meas. Quantum Metrol. 4, 26-34 (2017)
M. Bina, A. Allevi, M. Bondani, and S. Olivares
Homodyne-like detection for coherent state-discrimination in the presence of phase noise
Opt. Express 25, 10685-10692 (2017)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Rainbow correlation imaging with macroscopic twin beam
J. Opt. 19, 064001 (2017)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Nonlinear and Quantum Optical Properties and Applications of Intense Twin-Beams
Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 66, 49-110 (2017)
I. I. Arkhipov, J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Sci. Rep. 6, 33802 (2016)
M. Bina, A. Allevi, M. Bondani, and S. Olivares
Sci. Rep. 6, 26025 (2016)
J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Internal dynamics of intense twin beams and their coherence
Sci. Rep. 6, 22320 (2016)
O. Haderka, R. Machulka, J. Peřina Jr., A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Spatial and spectral coherence in propagating high-intensity twin beams
Sci. Rep. 5, 14365 (2015)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Direct detection of super-thermal photon-number statistics in second-harmonic generation
Opt. Lett. 40, 3089-3092 (2015)
A. Allevi, M. Bina, M. Bondani, and S. Olivares
Real-time phase-reference monitoring in a quasi-optimal coherent-state receiver
Proc. SPIE 9505, 95050J (2015)
A. Allevi, M. Lamperti, R. Machulka, O. Jedrkiewicz, E. Brambilla, A. Gatti, J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, and M. Bondani
Effects of pump depletion on spatial and spectral properties of parametric down-conversion
Proc. SPIE 9505, 950508 (2015)
A. Allevi, J. Galinis, M. Lamperti, R. Machulka, J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, and M. Bondani
Spectral coherence of twin beams by single-shot measurements with a fiber spectrometer
Proc. SPIE 9505, 95050R (2015)
A. Allevi, O. Jedrkiewicz, O. Haderka, J. Peřina Jr. and M. Bondani
Evolution of spatio-spectral coherence properties of twin beam states in the high gain regime
Proc. SPIE 9505, 95050S (2015)
M. Bondani, A. Allevi, J. Soubusta, and O. Haderka
Joint International Physics Summer School – Optics
Proc. SPIE 9793, 979309 (2015)
In the following days further articles will be put here.
Legal note – The material presented here must be considered available for personal use only. Most of this material is protected by copyright rules. For commercial or public use it is imperative to submit a request to the editor of the article in question, to Maria Bondani or Alessia Allevi.
Nota legale – Il materiale presentato in queste pagine deve essere considerato disponibile esclusivamente per uso privato. La maggior parte di questo materiale è protetto da copyright. La richiesta per farne uso pubblico deve essere inoltrata all’Editore, Maria Bondani o Alessia Allevi.
G. Chesi, L. Malinverno, A. Allevi, R. Santoro, M. Caccia, and M. Bondani
Measuring nonclassicality of mesoscopic twin-beam states with Silicon photomultipliers
Proceedings 12, 48 (2019)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Preserving nonclassicality in noisy communication channels
Proceedings 12, 3 (2019)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Preserving nonclassical correlations in strongly unbalanced conditions (Editors’ Pick)
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 3275-3281 (2019)
S. Olivares, A. Allevi, G. Caiazzo, M. G. A. Paris, and M. Bondani
Quantum tomography of light states by photon-number-resolving detectors
New J. Phys. 21, 103045 (2019)
G. Chesi, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Autocorrelation functions: a useful tool for both state and detector characterisation
Quantum Meas. Quantum Metrol. 6, 1-6 (2019)
G. Chesi, L. Malinverno, A. Allevi, R. Santoro, M. Caccia, A. Martemiyanov, and M. Bondani
Optimizing Silicon photomultipliers for Quantum Optics
Sci. Rep. 9, 7433 (2019)
G. Chesi, M. M. Wauters, N. Fasola, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Second Harmonic Revisited: An Analytic Quantum Approach
Appl. Sci. 9, 1690 (2019)
G. Chesi, L. Malinverno, A. Allevi, R. Santoro, M. Caccia, and M. Bondani
Measuring nonclassicality with Silicon photomultipliers
Opt. Lett. 44, 1371-1374 (2019)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Can nonclassical correlations survive in the presence of asymmetric lossy channels?
Eur. Phys. J. D 72, 178 (2018)
A. Allevi, M. Bina, S. Olivares, and M. Bondani
Hybrid Homodyne-like Detection Scheme with Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS), 2874-2878 (2017)
M. Bondani, A. Bassi, A. Tucci Bronzuoli, G. Caiazzo, R. Carlucci, and S. Pengue
Measurement of ferrofluid dynamics in undergraduate physics laboratory
2017 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS), 1410-1413 (2017)
A. Allevi, M. Bina, S. Olivares, and M. Bondani
Homodyne-like detection scheme based on photon-number-resolving detectors
Int. J. Quantum Inf. 15, 1740016 (2017)
A. Allevi, G. Chesi, and M. Bondani
Generation of quasi-single-mode twin-beam states in the high-intensity domain
Int. J. Quantum Inf. 15, 1740021 (2017)
A. Allevi, S. Cassina, and M. Bondani
Super-thermal light for imaging applications
Quantum Meas. Quantum Metrol. 4, 26-34 (2017)
M. Bina, A. Allevi, M. Bondani, and S. Olivares
Homodyne-like detection for coherent state-discrimination in the presence of phase noise
Opt. Express 25, 10685-10692 (2017)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Rainbow correlation imaging with macroscopic twin beam
J. Opt. 19, 064001 (2017)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Nonlinear and Quantum Optical Properties and Applications of Intense Twin-Beams
Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 66, 49-110 (2017)
I. I. Arkhipov, J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Sci. Rep. 6, 33802 (2016)
M. Bina, A. Allevi, M. Bondani, and S. Olivares
Sci. Rep. 6, 26025 (2016)
J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Internal dynamics of intense twin beams and their coherence
Sci. Rep. 6, 22320 (2016)
O. Haderka, R. Machulka, J. Peřina Jr., A. Allevi, and M. Bondani
Spatial and spectral coherence in propagating high-intensity twin beams
Sci. Rep. 5, 14365 (2015)
A. Allevi and M. Bondani
Direct detection of super-thermal photon-number statistics in second-harmonic generation
Opt. Lett. 40, 3089-3092 (2015)
A. Allevi, M. Bina, M. Bondani, and S. Olivares
Real-time phase-reference monitoring in a quasi-optimal coherent-state receiver
Proc. SPIE 9505, 95050J (2015)
A. Allevi, M. Lamperti, R. Machulka, O. Jedrkiewicz, E. Brambilla, A. Gatti, J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, and M. Bondani
Effects of pump depletion on spatial and spectral properties of parametric down-conversion
Proc. SPIE 9505, 950508 (2015)
A. Allevi, J. Galinis, M. Lamperti, R. Machulka, J. Peřina Jr., O. Haderka, and M. Bondani
Spectral coherence of twin beams by single-shot measurements with a fiber spectrometer
Proc. SPIE 9505, 95050R (2015)
A. Allevi, O. Jedrkiewicz, O. Haderka, J. Peřina Jr. and M. Bondani
Evolution of spatio-spectral coherence properties of twin beam states in the high gain regime
Proc. SPIE 9505, 95050S (2015)
M. Bondani, A. Allevi, J. Soubusta, and O. Haderka
Joint International Physics Summer School – Optics
Proc. SPIE 9793, 979309 (2015)
In the following days further articles will be put here.
Legal note – The material presented here must be considered available for personal use only. Most of this material is protected by copyright rules. For commercial or public use it is imperative to submit a request to the editor of the article in question, to Maria Bondani or Alessia Allevi.
Nota legale – Il materiale presentato in queste pagine deve essere considerato disponibile esclusivamente per uso privato. La maggior parte di questo materiale è protetto da copyright. La richiesta per farne uso pubblico deve essere inoltrata all’Editore, Maria Bondani o Alessia Allevi.